Course curriculum

    1. Welcoming You in The Tribe

    1. Why is it essential to learn to love yourself?

    2. How to recognize inner-genius

    3. How to activate self-worthiness

    4. The 4 essential steps to build self-confidence from self-love

    1. Why does it matter to make room for self-responsibility?

    2. What are you truly responsible for?

    3. The law of cause and consequence

    4. How to live up to self mastery through self-responsibility

    1. What are the 4 aspects of the being?

    2. The Emotional & Spiritual levels of your being

    3. The Intellectual & the Physical levels of your being

    4. The magic of dimensional alignment

    1. What is the purpose of life & your place in it?

    2. How to package your purpose

    3. The difference between work and purpose

    4. How to create a greater sense of purpose

    1. Why do we sabotage ourselves?

    2. The emotional component of self-sabotage

    3. How to become aware of self-sabotage

    4. The different kinds of sabotage

Welcome To Our Tribe

  • $99.00 / month
  • 50 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content
  • Monthly 2hr Live Zoom Webinar